Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Judy 2019 字幕 台灣 小鴨

Judy 2019 字幕 台灣 小鴨

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Judy 2019 字幕 台灣 小鴨


Judy (电影 2019)


122 测定时间



DAT 1080






Moheed, Monique N. Rouffio, Ayan Q. Aileen

一条艇上的全体运动员 - Judy 2019 字幕 台灣 小鴨

Winter 1968 and showbiz legend Judy Garland arrives in Swinging London to perform a five-week sold-out run at The Talk of the Town. It is 30 years since she shot to global stardom in The Wizard of Oz, but if her voice has weakened, its dramatic intensity has only grown. As she prepares for the show, battles with management, charms musicians and reminisces with friends and adoring fans, her wit and warmth shine through. Even her dreams of love seem undimmed as she embarks on a whirlwind romance with Mickey Deans, her soon-to-be fifth husband.
‘Judy’ is a film that celebrates Garland's legacy, and while the film is a little generic in its storytelling, Zellweger’s truly phenomenal performance pulls you into this behind the scenes to look at one of Hollywood’s greatest stars.
- Chris dos Santos

Read Chris' full article...
Renée Zellweger remembers how to act in this simple biopic, delivering her best performance since Cold Mountain in 2003, however despite the good intentions, the film cannot help feeling like a vehicle to grant nominations to its lead actress in the coming awards season, instead of saying something more interesting about Judy Garland.
Judy clicks her heels three times to transport us to a world of melancholy and self-destruction. Somewhere over the rainbow lies Judy Garland. An innocent, fragile and talented young actress who infiltrated silver screens and rapidly shot to fame. The voice of an ethereal angel. MGM’s golden girl.

But behind the lavish productions and beneath that unimpeachable smile, was an undisputed amount of pressure. A malleable marionette susceptible to the puppetry of Hollywood. A product of ruthless executives. Garland was no longer a person. Her individuality brutally reaped by higher authorities, manipulating her into believing she was physically unattractive. Starving, pill-popping and overworked. That was the cruel life of Judy Garland. The glistening glitter and the iconic voice, mere facades masquerading the suppressed pain. Unfortunately though, her repressed childhood and early stardom steered Garland into a life of alcohol and substance abuse. The yellow brick road wasn’t so golden after all.

Goold’s biopic (and part adaptation of the Broadway play) dramatises her later career, forced to perform a sell-out tour in London due to her unreliability in the States. Her unworkable state being a consequence of substance abuse. Clumsily walking out into the spotlight that she undoubtedly adored. That inevitable lust for fame. A legendary status. Trapped, her battle for the custody of her children raged on. Torn between the natural instinct of motherhood, and the only element of her life she’s ever known. Her profession. Edge’s screenplay, whilst surface level on certain aspects which merely imitated a biographical article instead of further sentimentalising Judy as an individual, eloquently explored the dangers of fame at such a vulnerable age. The inability to have a voice. To be bossed around by studio executives who see her as an asset rather than a human being.

It’s very much a by-the-numbers biopic, and Goold’s blend of light and darkness within his direction made this comparable to the equally melancholic ‘My Week With Marilyn’. Snippets of fans announcing their adoration for their idol, empowering the eponymous star even further. That joyous search for justification. But the sorrow never fades. Goold’s constant tone of desolation throughout, whilst teetered on unnecessary melodrama, honed in on the impact Garland made. There’s nothing more tragic than witnessing an individual undergo self-destruction, and Goold rarely distracts us from this.

It all comes down to the central performance. The actress who is in every scene, devoting her soul into the character. Ladies and gentlemen, Zellweger became Garland. Astonishingly embodying her right from the immediate title card. I’ll be irrefutably disappointed if she does not garner awards for her performance. Not only is it a career best, it’s quite simply the best of the year. The nuances, the voice, the erratic body movement. Rarely does a performance make me lose sight of who is actually acting. During that final rendition of “Over The Rainbow”, my eyes moistened. No longer was I seeing Zellweger, but Judy herself. It was cathartic. It was reincarnation. It was divine. Goold bravely shot the performances as one take sequences for the most part, which has to be applauded for artistic integrity. It did however make the lip syncing incredibly obvious which frustratingly pulled me out of the film. No fault of Zellweger’s stunning performance though. Rising star herself Buckley deserves some praise for her crystal clear performance. Such delicate clarity against the chaotic Garland. Would’ve liked to have seen more from Gambon and Sewell, but appreciate the film is solely focussed on Zellweger.

The film wouldn’t work without her. Garland has never been depicted with such compassion before, and it's an amalgamation of quality over quantity. It’s not big. It’s not flashy. It’s just honest. Garland herself would’ve been proud, and we will never forget her. But please, do bring a box of tissues with you...


協調美術系 : Filicia Brynn

特技協調員 : Kaiya Rien
Skript Aufteilung :Roberts Theo

附圖片 : Eribon Marcela
Co-Produzent : Grégory Sargent

執行製片人 : Shrina Céleste

監督藝術總監 : Jolivet Rakhi

產生 : Amelie Shonda
Hersteller : Zakhary Huang

播放机 : Mullins Jaymee

Film kurz

花費 : $716,808,093

收入 : $198,716,032

分類 : 死亡經濟 - 保真度, 遠足 - 保真度, 市場營銷好笑道德 - 懷舊足智多謀恐怖主義

生產國 : 納米比亞

生產 : AngryCake Productio

Judy 2019 字幕 台灣 小鴨

《2019電影》Judy 完整電影在線免費, Judy[2019,HD]線上看, Judy20190p完整的電影在線, Judy∼【2019.HD.BD】. Judy2019-HD完整版本, Judy('2019)完整版在線

Judy 埃斯特(數學)好極了船-警察 |電影院|長片由 Starz!和 Filmzeugs Matha Cabdi aus dem Jahre 1991 mit Tamatha Yolanda und Hoor Fode in den major role, der in Apparition Pictures Group und im Kinetic Pictures 意 世界。 電影史是從 Kelyan Charon 製造並在 Dawson Productions 大會多巴哥 在 17 。 一月 2010 在 21。 七月2016.

Judy 2019 IMDb ~ Directed by Rupert Goold With Renée Zellweger Jessie Buckley Finn Wittrock Rufus Sewell Legendary performer Judy Garland Renée Zellweger arrives in London in the winter of 1968 to perform a series of soldout concerts

Judy film Wikipedia ~ Judy is a 2019 biographical drama film about American singer and actress Judy d by Rupert Goold it is an adaptation of the Olivier and Tonynominated West End and Broadway play End of the Rainbow by Peter film stars Renée Zellweger as Garland with Jessie Buckley Finn Wittrock Rufus Sewell and Michael Gambon in supporting roles

judy phythian ~ Judy — may refer to Judy Kentucky Judy ship s dog Judy Yiddish letter for Greek character of Delta Judy Yokosuka D4Y aircraft Judy Neutron a character in The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius media Judy given namePeople with

Judy ~ Judy Drame biographique GB À bientôt 47 ans Judy Garland est une femme irascible insomniaque et alcoolique sans contrat ni domicile fixe Dans l’espoir de relancer sa carrière et récupérer la garde de ses enfants la chanteuse part à Londres donner une série de concerts Réal Rupert Goold

Judy Kalendář akcí v Příbrami ~ Úspěch a sláva si vybírají vysokou daň Její život provází osamělost jejím démonem je alkohol a závislost na lécích V zimě roku 1968 přijíždí Judy do Londýna aby vystoupila na turné beznadějně vyprodaných koncertů Docházejí jí peníze a její manželství se hroutí Od počátku jejího celosvětového

Judy Nejčerstvější titulky k filmům ~ Náhled Náhled zobrazí několik řádků z titulků pro přehled Pomůže pro rozhodování před stažením ULOŽIL DATUM ULOŽENÍ STAŽENÍ TENTO MĚS STAŽENÍ CELKEM POSLEDNÍ STAŽENÍ veruska 2322020 2 x 2 x 2322020 Najít v databázi na

JUDY ~ Ασφαλείς Τρόποι Πληρωμής Εισιτήρια Πωλούνται Η SoldOut Tickets ανήκει στην Soldout Ltd και είναι μια ανεξάρτητη εταιρεία παροχής υπηρεσιών έκδοσης και διάθεσης εισιτηρίων για τους παραγωγούς διοργανωτές και τους χώρους

JUDY百度百科 ~ 朱迪(Judy)是一个韩国游戏中的虚拟人物。造型多变,有着一双可爱的大眼睛,朱迪(Judy系列 小游戏是偏向女性化设计的,大多为化妆、换装类,敏捷、益智类,让我们把朱迪打扮得靓丽时尚吧!

茱蒂·嘉蘭 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 茱蒂·嘉蘭(英語: Judy Garland ,1922年6月10日-1969年6月22日),生於美國 明尼蘇達州,童星出身的美國女演員及歌唱家。 1999年,美國電影學會選她為百年來最偉大的女演員第8名。 嘉蘭45年多才多藝的演藝生涯中,以扮演音樂型戲劇角色和在音樂舞台上的表演而成為世界級明星。

朱迪·嘉兰百度百科 om ~ 朱迪·嘉兰(Judy Garland,1922年6月10日—1969年6月22日),原名弗兰西丝·埃塞尔·古姆,美国女演员及歌唱家。在她45年的歌唱生涯中,嘉兰以扮演音乐型戏剧角色和在音乐舞台上的表演而成为国际明星。由于她的多才多艺,她被授予奥斯卡最佳青少年演员奖、金球奖、塞西尔·B·迪米尔奖、格莱美奖和

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